Saturday 2 August 2014

What does the Shoebat say? A Challenge from Sam Shamoun

In a recent video, Theodore Shoebat has been comparing Islam to Protestantism. I admit I am insulted by the comparisons that Shoebat Jr has done in his video.

I am pretty sure that if Shoebat Jr would be offended if I started making comparisons to Catholics and Rabbinic Jews, that tradition of halacha from Rabbis MUST be accepted and so must Catholic Tradition, or The Pope must be accepted as authoritative just as Maimondes must be accepted as authoritative. While Rabbinic Judaism would not claim papal infallibility, nevertheless, I am sure Theodore Shoebat is not going to accept the comparison between Roman Catholics and Rabbinic Jews, so why make the comparison between Protestants and Islam because of rejecting the Catholic Church?

I am so sick and tired of many saying the Trinity or the Deity of Christ are Catholic dogmas, despite the fact that Romanism is a later apostate church that came onto the scene. This page for links refuting Roman Catholicism:

Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists and other cult groups are NOT Protestants in any sense. Hatred of the Catholic Church or rejecting the church doesn't make one a Protestant simply because they are protesting against the Catholic Church. Cults have hatred for Protestantism just as much as they have hatred for Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

Sam Shamoun has rightly expressed concerns about Walid Shoebat in light of Shoebat's recent defence of certain aspects of Roman Catholicism. 

Theodore Shoebat also sent the following to Sam Shamoun in a message which Shamoun has shared on his page, to which he said to pass on to others. Here are the comments:

"Here is what Theodore Shoebat just sent me in private message. Please make sure to pass this on to others, warning them about this sick demented wolf. Make sure to inform people that this is Walid Shoebat's son: 

Theodore Shoebat
Aug 1st, 11:37pm
You set it up bitch

Theodore Shoebat
Aug 1st, 11:37pm
You are White little bitch

Theodore Shoebat
Aug 1st, 11:38pm
White's little punk bitch.

Theodore Shoebat
Aug 1st, 11:39pm
Set it up and let me know, you and me, 2 hours. Set it up, White's bitch"

Sam Shamoun has also called out Walid Shoebat on this matter in the following post on his page:
"Hey saints, due to the fact that Walid Shoebat had his email which he sent to me posted publicly on facebook for all to see, as you can verify by going here:

He has therefore left me know choice but to post my replies here for all to see. Here goes: 

I saw that you had your email to me posted on Facebook. Therefore, I need to respond by posting my reply to you for all to see. And I am going to demand that you give me the names of your church and your son's church so we can see whether you do go to a Protestant church, or a Catholic one. In either case, I am going to do what you demand and contact your church and pastor or priest to make sure that your son comes under discipline and that you are held accountable for not controlling his behavior and venomous slanders and lies.

I am now going ahead and posting this on my pages for all to read.

I forgot to thoroughly answer your question why I chose to bring your name into the discussion of your son's reason. First, as I stated it seems that you share his convictions about Protestantism in light of some of your scathing criticisms of it in your defense of Rome. And here is the other reason I chose to mention you as I mentioned to your son:

Aug 1st, 11:12pm
Secondly, I didn't attack anyone but simply stated the facts of the matter. Besides, unless you are hiding your assaults against Protestantism from your dad, I am pretty certain your dad is fully aware of your current crusade. The fact he doesn't censure you but allows you to continue your assault while also writing for his site means he must agree with your assessment.

So in light of your son's utter venom which he spews against Protestantism I must ask as to why you continue to allow him to write for you if, as you imply, you do not necessarily share his views? And how do you justify him calling me James White's bitch? Are you going to turn a blind eye on this one and continue to justify his behavior and have him continue writing for you? I surely hope not.


I am cc-ing Dr. James R. White, just as you cc-d your son whom I do not care to speak with. To begin with, Dr. White sent me an email asking if you had converted to Roman Catholicism, which I had informed him that that would be news to me since I hadn't received any information that you had done so. I then did a google search and what I discovered utterly shocked me. In many of your tirades against Protestants you sound exactly like a Roman Catholic apologist. I then forwarded the links to some of your posts to White and he also agreed with me that you sound exactly like an apologist for Rome. White even mentioned you in one of his recent Dividing Line programs, informing his audience of some of your criticisms as he provided a refutation to them. I also posted links to your scathing criticisms of Protestants and defense of Rome on my facebook pages.

I then discovered your son, or should I say people on my page started mentioning your son and his utter vitriol against Protestants and those who would criticize Rome. He even had the audacity to produce a video likening Islam to Protestants. Here is the link:

Suffice it to say I told people who supported you and your son about this video clip trashing Protestants and likening their criticisms of Rome to Islam's attacks on Catholicism. That is when your son chimed in my page and personally attacked me by saying I should be ashamed of myself. So your son is lying when he says I did some name calling. He started it with his arrogant bullying tactics and even challenged to debate me on ABN. I gladly accepted and told him that he was a coward if he didn't go ahead and try to arrange a debate between the two of us, to which your son sent me the following:

Theodore Shoebat
Aug 1st, 11:37pm
You set it up bitch

Theodore Shoebat
Aug 1st, 11:37pm
You are White little bitch

Theodore Shoebat
Aug 1st, 11:38pm
White's little punk bitch.

Theodore Shoebat
Aug 1st, 11:39pm
Set it up and let me know, you and me, 2 hours. Set it up, White's bitch

He not only calls me a bitch, he even says I am James White's bitch just because I had informed him that White was thinking about responding to his assault against Protestants. 

The fact is your son is uncontrollable and is a disgrace in the way he deals with those who disagree with him, and yet you have him writing for your web site instead of monitoring his behavior in order to control such vitriol and abuse.

Now as far as Spencer is concerned, I worked with him on shows dealing specifically with issues related to Islam and one of the reasons I did so is because he hasn't said anything to attack and assault Protestants, like you and your son have been doing.

So now is the time for you to come clean. Are you a Roman Catholic since your son sure is? 

Anyway, I hope this puts things in perspective and you can see where we are coming from.


"If you guys want proof that Walid Shoebat fully endorses his son, and is therefore a snake, note his reply to my challenge to debate me on Roman Catholicism:

"I must say, unlike myself, he is a formidable debater on such topics and I myself do not suggest you retract your offer, call it a loss, since I am pretty sure he will overwhelm you on such topic. Is this what your choice is? I am more than willing to arrange the phone or skype debate between the two of you and will post it on my website which got 2.5 million hits last month alone, so it is a great avenue for both of you to make your case."

Now here is my answer to this snake:

"And your praise of your son is not only sickening but exposes your true intentions. A formidable debater? Yes, I must agree with you that calling someone a bitch is quite formidable. You really should be ashamed of yourself since this only proves that you do agree with his assault against Protestants. Therefore, I have no choice but to post your praise of your son for all to see."

Now please pass this on since people need to know that both Walid and his son are snakes, especially his father for using Protestants to make a name for himself even though he is a closet Catholic in love with Rome."

and finally: 

"BTW, here is another part of my email where even James White invites Walid Shoebat to debate him, provided he comes clean with what he actually believes:


I repeating White's reply here just in case Walid missed it:

*I* would be happy to debate Walid in defense of sola scriptura, on the Papacy, etc. But from looking at these emails, I am less than clear as to what his current position even is!


So now you have both of us challenging you to debate. Time to step up to the plate and not hide behind your son to do your dirty work for you so you can give the impression that you do not necessarily agree with his venomous attacks against Protestantism. You really should be ashamed of yourself of hiding what you really believe and feel. But praise God that you are now being exposed for all to see.

Moreover, I have challenged Walid to give me the names of his church and his son's church to see whether they go to a Protestant church or a Catholic one, and he refuses to answer my request. Therefore, please go to his page and insist that he shares the name of the churches that he and his son attend, since that will tell us if he really is a Roman Catholic who is too ashamed to admit it."

Mr Shoebat, Walid in particular, I have questions of my own. Why are you insisting that Rome is a biblical church or is even a church that goes back to the apostles? Why also are you trying to defend many of the things that Rome endorses?

Here is an article I have written responding to one of your articles:

Answering Judaism


  1. Having read about Sam Shamoun it is obvious that whatever mistakes Shoebat has done,Shamoun is the worse:insulting people,showing he is not saved since he doesn't show the gifts of the Holy Spirit.I am 100% convinced Sam Shamoun was never saved,any impartial observer would agree.
    He should be rejected by James White and David Wood,Mary Jo Sharp,Nabeel Qureshi.
    Regarding James White he doesn't argue well in many cases,not showing Muslims why the Gospels are solid,based of the Historical Method.I think White doesn't know those arguments since he doesn't ,in his debates with Muslims,mention the technicalities that led Robinson,author of "Honest to God",conclude the 4 gospels were written before 70 AD.

  2. After listening to Wallis I'm now fully aware that nothing is meek or mild he speaks not in a spirit of love I don't believe he's born again I also see how he whips gullible right wing so called Christians into religious hysteria he calls for the death of gays and his son I believe is mentally ill . It's all from him plus he's got a whole lot of false doctrine from catholic stuff which has nothing to do with God . And he's a glory seeker who loves both the lime light and the money .hes got some insight but so would any ex Muslim who comes to know they were believing lies of Koran . It's totally from him and I actually wonder if he knows Jesus at all . His son is crazy .. I would not listen to anything he has to say . His attitude stinks and his sons behaviour is clear he does not know Jesus . I think Wallis has Muslim mind set which has rubbed off on his son

  3. Sam blocked me when I asked him questions. What a hypocrite Sam is, as he condemned my whole family, and other evil things. Tell white to debate Peter diamond, because he is running from that.

  4. I found this comment about Sam Shamoun,it is in youtube,I read the links and was horrified,but I agree with the guy or woman:

    "​SAM SHAMOUN,friend of Christian debater DAVID WOOD, NABEEL QURESHI,is an evil,disgusting man, insults others for NO REASON.He never ADMITS he is wrong in insulting others. Notice how he insults and is vulgar to a Catholic Christian(Dave Armstrong):

    ​Shamoun claims the Inquisition killed 50-60 million people(in reality it was 7,200), and when proven wrong he insults:​

    Here he is rebuked for his vulgarity by James White,recently,in 2016,a famous debater:​

    Here James White again denounces Shamoun for being​ "ANGRY and FOUL-MOUTHED","being a BIG BULLY","has an ANGER PROBLEM"​:


    ​Here Shamoun denied the Substitutionary Atonement of Jesus(a doctrine central to Christianity), later he affirms it,and calls others LIARS. He is obviously CRAZY:​



    ​Shamoun's defenders say he knows about Islam,but I am not talking about technical knowledge,I am talking about a person's character.
    HEIDEGGER,the GREATEST PHILOSOPHER of the 20th century,one of the greatest of all time,was an ANTISEMITE and even a Nazi party member(1933-1945). As a PERSON,Heidegger was trash,scum,like Shamoun,but as a philosopher,he was profound,a revolutionary.​

    About the word ISLAMOPHOBIA,not that you are saying it,but others are: Islam is NOT a RACE,so any intellectual or spoken attacks on ISLAM(a belief system,like COMMUNISM,BUDDHISM,etc)
    is in NO WAY a CRIME or HATE SPEECH.

    For MUSLIMS it is BLASPHEMY,but we have HUMAN RIGHTS,like Freedom of Speech.So Islamophobia is ALLOWED,it is no crime.
    The word to use is MUSLIMOPHOBIA(equivalent to JUDEOPHOBIA).But Muslims and others say Islamophobia(an ideology) is EQUIVALENT to JUDEOPHOBIA(a group of human beings).
    It is sickening to see Western intellectuals are so stupid as to not see the nonsense of the situation. It is like them saying:"JUDAISMOPHOBIA is a crime,it is hate speech.We should have laws against Judaismophobia",
    when JUDAISM is an ideology,not human beings.ALI SINA,the ex-Muslim from Iran,who created FaithinFreedom, has written about the stupidity of Westerners who denounce Islamophobia as a crime,as hate speech."
