I came across an article by DACON9 called "CHRISTAINS AGAIN AFRAID OF JEWS THAT CAN EXPOSE THEIR LIES, THE FORTH BEAST" and I was appaled: http://www.jewswithviews.com/christains-again-afraid-of-jews-that-can-expose-their-lies/08/26/
No source was given to back up his claims about the King James Bible or King James himself
Now I am not a KJV onlyist, but I have never seen so many outrageous claims without giving a source.
Now why do I accuse DACON of double standards you may ask?
I had been accused of misrepresenting the words of Tovia Singer on the word Echad and misrepresenting the word Echad, thus will not recieve the recording of a dialogue that took place between me and NITEMARESDEN.
I have responded to this on some articles which you can read here:
I have evidence from Singer's own papers that I did NOT misrepresent what he said on the usage of Echad and it is on display for all to see.
DACON on the other hand has NOT provided a source in his article and funnily enough is guilty of misrepresenting facts and not providing evidence for his assertions, condemning himself.
I'll say what I said to NITEMARESDEN, The Lord hates a lying tongue. But also observe from the book of Proverbs:
"Proverbs 20:10 Differing weights and differing measures—
the Lord detests them both.".
Be consistent DACON, next time you accuse someone of not giving a source, you give a source too. If you don't, you are being inconsistent.
Answering Judaism.
PS. The subject of homosexuality I have dealt with here: http://answering-judaism.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/does-bible-condemn-homosexuality.html
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