In a video done by PhilosophyNerd, He responded to claims made about Keith Thompson in response to Queeny Cameron, you can find it here:
Queeny Cameron and later KeefTwoof (who won't be spoken about here as he isn't the main meat of the matter) and Xm Flash (AKA Xgamer_Julian) later commented on the video to give their points.
After many comments, Queeny was banned from commenting but somehow was able to comment and thus the commentd were removed.
I have managed through to Google notifications to retrieve the conversation with Queeny so you can see for yourself. I'll let the post speak for itself. You'll also see Xm Flash spout his lies as per usual.
Well, actually the evidence would be in the form of donations; Other than that, the word PROBABLY defines an opinion stated. OR is the FACT that you seem to work as that of a Pharisee type that you are being technical? Or did I use the word "FACT" in regards to your opening statements, counselor? For someone who "does not like" Keith"TRUTH", you sure do seem very passionate, and defensive.. Hahahahaahahhaahahah! WOW! Keith can't defend himself? Other than that "Truth" works with James White (Acts 17 Apologetics is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible.
PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online! To set up a monthly recurring donation, select a payment option and click) Which I have no respect for on account that ALL of those involved (PROBABLY including yourself) are nothing more then money grubbing opportunists making money off of Christianity and AGAIN. I loath people like you. SO the feeling is mutual.
Passion for truth does not equal liking someone. Donations does not equal wrong doing. Another meaningless statement.
+PhilosophyNerd Well, when you mix in Reformed Apologetics, James White, "Answering Islam", Music, Documentaries and "film making"? YOU are toast, "Nerd". James White is going to wish you never came along.
+Queeny Cameron Just because you don't like someone does not mean they can be falsely accused without evidence .
Exodus 23:1 Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.
What is wrong with donations? and do you have any proof he is misusing the funds if this is what your claiming? Also since you put in your video title he is a White Nationalist and Nazi do you have proof of that?
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+Xm Flash Citation please
"Also since you put in your video title he is a White Nationalist and Nazi do you have proof of that?"
You people are idiots. He went around on paltalk ages ago spreading this sort of rhetoric. You're either just in the Reformed clique and feel the need to defend your own or you aren't regulars in Paltalk. It's anecdotal evidence at that, but the guy is just some Paltalk user. Not anyone special, so it's silly to demand evidence like it's a court case, genius. I actually wrote about Keith on my blog years ago. Go read my blog and look at the most recent article, first paragraph.
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+Xm Flash All I see in that paragraph is an assertion but no documentation aka screenshots or links just claims no hard core evidence. So where is your proof?
+PhilosophyNerd Queeny Cameron, mind you this PhilosophyNerd guy is another phony. I defeated him in a very public debate and the next day he renounced Christianity because of it and converted to Deism. He tries to deny it too. So that's another liar. He hangs out with this guy called Answering Judaism (aka bobo557) who is a well-known anti-semite on Paltalk.
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+Xm Flash Citation needed. You can make claims easily without original source material. This is not idiocy. It is skepticism. Me not liking someone personally does not negate my respect for the person as a researcher and writer. The demand for academic rigor is high here. I don't care about your blog unless you can show relevancy here.
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+Scholar4Truth There wouldn't be sceenshots from something that happened years ago by some paltalker, retard. Why would that be documented? I've said more obscene shit and it's never been documented because no one cares who I am. Jesus you people are dumb.
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+Xm Flash So you admit you have no evidence and just assertions and ad hominems.
+Scholar4Truth Yes I do admit my ad-hominems against you are true and you really a retard. Congratulations.
+Queeny Cameron So how does having two volumes of selected readings of the Zohar mean anything? Have you heard of historical inquiry. This is a bit of funny mention by you.
+Xm Flash bring your evidence you made the claim. The fact you cannot answer shows your lack of honesty. Charging someone with Racism without evidence is slander and Libel. So where is your proof?
+PhilosophyNerd Funny she has the nerve to call people Nazis yet she follows the racist doctrine of Arnold Murray called Serpent Seed which says Satan had sex with eve thus produced Cain thus the Jews. So who is the true Nazi?
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+Scholar4Truth By definition, using her standards, she is. This is not a claim; instead, an observation of terms.
+Xm Flash This Imbecile is riding the back of Keith"truths" so called ministry while trying to distract me, (which happens often) but as everyone can hear; he is stumbling off of his own words; he lacks in research skills (claims he has a "Masters Degree". Hahahah WOW! Holy shit is this dude dumb). He assumes a bit too much about who his beautiful opponent is (that'd be me) and is obviously sucking Keith's cock, IN MY OPINION, because his demeanor seems a bit femi, which doesn't surprise me seeing as these "boys"
#KeithTruth and
#JamesWhiteare both hooked up with David Wood who likes to wear women's clothing, as well as Keith wearing lip gloss when he does his uploads. He's a regular Paul Joseph Watson wannabe. Hahahahahahahah! And, I am about to upload on this rant of his... Unless of course his buddies ask me nicely not to.
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+Queeny Cameron Your language really shows your a Christian doesn't it? some words of advice let no filthy communication come out of your mouth Ephesians
4:29 and do not bare False Witness.
+Queeny Cameron We need to talk in private. I dealt with this clique on Paltalk for years, they are messed up. The user in this video claimed he went to Saudi Arabia once and was passing out Arabic-translated (that he translated) works of John Calvin's Institutes. Like he was passing them out on the street and openly preaching calvinism without anything happening to him. It's one bizarre lie after the next.
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+Queeny Cameron I am not part of his ministry. Try again liar. That is fail 1. You make claims of David Wood, which I have no offiliation with, without evidence. Thus you can be dismissed without evidence. Fail 2. I never interacted with Paul Joseph Watson, which shows you lied. Fail 3. Ad hominem all the way through and no evidence. Fail 4. Thanks!
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+PhilosophyNerd Watch out PhilosophyNerd is friends with Bobo577,
+Queeny Cameron and that guy hacks. This is what they do they attack us and hack us cuz they know we have the truth.
+Xm Flash Any evidence of this? Never went to Saudi Arabia. Never passed out tracks. Never translated the institutes. So that is a load of bollocks. I did say I spent a stint teaching in Abu Dhabi, and have photos of the Grande Mosque there. I did spend time as a soldier in Afghanistan. Funny... shows your lying.
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+Xm Flash FYI, I don't know Arabic and never claimed to. I do want to take classes though.
+PhilosophyNerd you follow answering judaism aka bobo. LEAVE US ALONE BOBO
+Xm Flash Me being on good terms with him doesn't equal following him. So you lied. Nice...
+PhilosophyNerd you worship Bobo as you would a god, and hes a raving racist who owns an anti-Jewish blog. Explain yourself
+Xm Flash and he hacks too
+Xm Flash Prove I worship him. Claims without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
+Xm Flash, Bobo is a clear anti-semite with "Answering Judaism". This on top of being a hacker! OMG
+PhilosophyNerd you follow him like a new age guru. You use all of his arguments and you adopted all of his beliefs. He taught you all you know. You can't accept that hes one evil dude though. What a shame.
If you wanna follow a guru, be my guest. I'll follow my Bible and Jesus alone.
+Xm Flash His blog answers charges against Christianity raised by those in Judaism and attempts to reach them with the gospel I have read through his blog and daily post on there and there is not one shred of Jewish hate. Where is the evidence or is this another baseless accusation?
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+PhilosophyNerd Oh, I have plenty of "evidence" (seeing as you are presenting a case-like scenario, and since I have years of experience inside of several courtrooms all across America MY GREAT COUNTRY, I will have to present MY response in said manner. Woooo Hooo!
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+Queeny Cameron You go! I will be eager to see your video. Expose these cockroaches and liars. Everyone knows you're right. Bobo, PhilosophyNerd, and the rest need to be exposed for what they are!! Thank you so much and keep up the good work
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+Xm Flash James White is not going to be pleased, because this dude is a nobody online, but White just came at our channels, me and KeefTwoof, and all of a sudden this BOZO RETARD uploads on me? COME ON.. I don't believe in coincidences.. So, I will be going after James White. PERIOD.
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+Queeny Cameron Bring the evidence.
+Queeny Cameron Anecdotal evidence does NOT count. You claim to have evidence but present logical fallacies. The red-herring I entertained from you is proof of you being a deceiver. If you had courtroon experience, you would be familiar with logic and rules of evidence. Seems that you made bold claims and show no fruit of such experience. I suspect you made that up.
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+PhilosophyNerd LIKE I SAID: I will be addressing James White and the "coincidence" that he has been on our channels for a few days now, pretending to be some troll channel just like yours. Cue Ball.
+Queeny Cameron Insults don't build a case. Since you claim to have courtroom experience, please use the Legal Bluebook 16th Edition citation method to design your argument with sentence citation. Also, your video is being criticized, not James White. Please show him trolling. Another red-herring. ^_^
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+Queeny Cameron I highly doubt White has time to troll and making fake accounts seeing he is busy with debates and actual scholarship. He has better things to do then waste his time on that.
+Queeny Cameron What happened was that Bobo (aka Answering Judaism) told James White and White got his minions to attack you. I have seen this happen before. Bobo is friggin calling the shots. I wish you well and look forward to your video exposing james white.
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+Xm Flash OMG is this baldie going to look retarded after my next upload.. Woooo hooo!
+KeefTwoof It is the right of the accused to be notified of his charges. It is also the right of the accused to know what is being said about them in an open forum. Seems that you cannot prove passive aggression so you need another topic.
I am curious though. Can you defend the video of
+Queeny Cameron. You failed to do so already.
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+Xm Flash You would not happen to be CBD94 from paltalk now would you?
+Xm Flash
As per usual xgamer, You engage in your vile slash and burn lies and rhetoric. You haven't changed.
Firstly, I am bobo577 NOT bobo557, I have pointed this out numerous times and warned people about these fake nics on my site
Second, I don't know how to hack, nor do I want to know. So again, another baseless accusation which is so typical of you and others like you
Third, I do not know James White personally, I didn't ask him to go after QueenyCameron nor speak to him on the matter and
what calling the shots are you referring to?
Fourth, I do not hate Jews, I respond to their objections to Jesus but I don't preach Jew hatred. I have condemned the hatred of the Jews
on my website. Anti-semiticism is reprehensible to me.
You and several others who I could name who spread these lies make your position repulsive to me.
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+Queeny Cameron
PhilosophyNerd has the right to challenge you on the claims and accusations that you made against Keith, as well as assertions you make. You cannot make claims and expect silence as a response on YouTube or ANY place where public debate is taking place.
You are going to have people challenge you on claims. Yes YouTube allows you to "Broadcast Yourself"; but that doesn't take away accountability. Do not get upset when someone challenges you on the claims that you made about an individual.
Dislike of an individual is not a licence to lie and misrepresent them.
Also, Just because someone is asking for donations, that doesn't mean they are money grubbing or that all who ask for donations are money grubbing, that's nothing more than a problem of induction fallacy. That's like saying to give an example Keith has used: Since my cat is orange, therefore all cats must be orange.
You really shouldn't be engaging in this kind of rhetoric Queeny if you are a Christian.
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+Scholar4Truth No, He's Xgamer_Julian. he is also xgamer_immortal and Mercury2014.
+bobo577 Notice that not one of them will retract falsehoods. It is like we hit the jackpot of mental disorders with a small group.
+PhilosophyNerd Or they just don't care about truth.
+bobo577 Wow! He is a piece of work.
This user +bobo577 is a lot like the Mafia Don of a criminal network. Answering-Judaism takes in tons of cash every year and he pays people off like Sam Shamoun and James White to do his dirty work. Notice, QueenyCameron, all of a sudden I mention Bobo and he APPEARS out of the BLUE in the comment section. Wow. What a coincidence? It's obvious now he was the one calling the shots all along. I can't wait for Queeny's video exposing the bobo-White conspiracy.
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+Xm Flash Well, you can go to the KeefTwoof channel under the title "DrOakley1689 / KeithTruth - Debating Strategies & "Stimulating Christians" Tactics" and I am bout to upload #2
+Xm Flash I am not a mafia boss. The reason I called for you to be removed from the room was because of your lies and I wasn't going to tolerate it anymore, that is why I asked the admins to remove you from the room as well as a certain other individual who has done the same thing.
FYI, My ministry does not receive donations of anykind and I don't pay Sam Shamoun or James White to do anything for me. They have never received a penny or cent from me and I have never received a penny or cent from anyone for my ministry. I don't ask for donations.
Also, The reason I knew about your comments here on PhilosophyNerd's page was because I was TOLD about your comments. That's how I knew.
The only thing you have shown me (and others I could mention) is that you are a spiteful lowlife who has no shame in engaging in lies. Encouraging Queeny to lie about me and James White shows to me how low you are willing to sink and this is a low even for you.
And FYI, My nic is Answering Judaism, not Answering-Judaism.
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+bobo577 James White was called out again in another upload with the same title as the one this dipshit just uploaded ANS because this shit-for-brains decided to take a few bucks for claiming to expose sweet, beautiful me. I will now expose James White's alter ego .. Dylan, ( or whatever he calls himself).. WATCH.
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What else is there to say in the end? If you have to contrive a conspiracy about someone just to attack them, that shows you are not being honest.
There is a difference between misunderstanding of someone's position and blatant lying and what we have is a case from the latter. What we have is Queeny being challenged on her claims but instead of accepting correction, will continue to spout those lies and others aid her in her deception. Romans 1 comes to mind:
Romans 1:28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. 29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them."
Thanks for taking the time to read.
Answering Judaism.
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