Monday 17 March 2014

Deuteronomy 13: A question of vindication 2

I have already written on the subject of the resurrection being a vindication of Yeshua in the past which can be found here:

Firstly, I want to take the resurrection point a step further, If God was going to raise a false prophet from the dead to test his people, this would only make sense if the people are stupid enough to accept him despite the person being proved a false prophet.

Generations of righteous remnants being familiar with the false prophet and heeding the warning of Deuteronomy 13 would possibly speak to their children, telling them about those false prophets who misled the people as a warning to keep them close to God and thus prepare them should God raise the false prophet from the dead as a test.

However, such an idea that God would raise a false prophet from the dead for the sake of testing Israel and the Church is completely foreign to the TANAKH and would defeat the purpose of getting the person to never acknowledge a false prophet even if he came with signs and wonders.

Why raise a false prophet from the dead when an Israelite who rejected him will already remain faithful to Ha Shem and tell future generations to stay away from the false prophet if he arises? The idea seems unlikely.

To highlight another point within Christian circles, John MacArthur raised an interesting point in his book Strange Fire with respect to Deuteronomy 13:

"The New Testament is relentless in echoing that same warning. Anyone who claims to speak for God while simultaneously leading people away from the truth of God's Word is clearly shown to be a false prophet and a deceiver. Even if such a person makes accurate predictions or perfoms supposed wonders, he is to be disregarded-since Satan himself is able to perfom counfeit miracles (cf. 2 Thess 2:9)" (John MacArthur, Strange Fire, Pg 107).

He points out and is correct that even a false prophet can proclaim the name of YHWH and still be condemned if the doctrine he brings is unbiblical and speaks also on the immorality accompanying said prophet.

Idolatry is not just limited to bowing to an idol be it from Norse, Egyptian, Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic and other religions, it can also be worshipping YHWH in the wrong way.

The term is Avodah Zara, which means "alien worship" and basically this refers to the worship of Ha Shem in a manner contrary to what he has laid down.

This is why I mentioned the Kansas City prophets in a previous paper on Deuteronomy 13, these wolves while they proclaim Gods name are guilty of encouraging people to worship God in a manner contrary to what he has laid out in scripture. Such individuals would include, John Paul Jackson, Rick Joyner, Mike Buckle, Paul Cain, Lou Engle and the founder of their movement, C Peter Wagner and other "prophets" in their movement.

These men are not interested in the flock, they are interested in bringing disrepute to the body of Christ and encourage practices that would be found in the occult and also in Gnosticism and the New Age.

This is also why Charles Taze Russell of the Jehovah's Witnesses and Joseph Smith stand condemned, because of their false prophecies and because they showed no repentance from such, they are to be avoided.

MacArthur again highlights again in Strange Fire a number of false prophecies made by Taze Russel and Smith as well as 7th Day Adventist founder and false prophet Ellen G White:
"By claiming fallible prophecies as legitimate, charismatics open the door to satanic attacks and deception-putting their movement in the same category as cult groups like the Seventh-day Adventists, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. Errant prophecy is one of the clearest earmarks of a non-Christian cult or false religion. William Miller and Ellen G. White, the founders of Seventh-day Adventism, falsely prophesied that Jesus would return in 1843. When the prediction failed, they changed the date to 1844. When their calculations again proved inaccurate, they insisted their date was not wrong. Instead, they claimed the event they associated with the date must of been wrong. So they invented a new doctrine, asserting that Christ entered his heavenly sanctuary in 1844 to begin a second work of atonement (in clear contradiction to Hebrews 9:12 and a host of NT Passages). 

Mormon patriarch Joseph Smith similarly prophesied that Jesus would return before the year 1891. Other false predictions included Smith's prophecy that all nations would be involved in the American civil war; that a temple would be built in Independence, Missouri (such a temple was never built); and that the Mormon "apostle" David W. Patten would go on a mission in the spring of 1839. (Patten was shot and killed on October 25, 1838, thus nullifying his ability to do anything in 1839)

Throughout their hundred-year history, the Watchtower society has incorrectly prophesied the return of Christ many times, starting in 1914 and including subsequent predictions for 1915, 1925, 1935, 1951, 1975, 1986 and 2000. Currently Jehovah's Witnesses expect the end of the world in 2033, since that will be the 120th year after the original prediction of 1914. In the same way Noah built the ark for 120 years, followers of the Watchtower Society are convinced that God's judgement will fall on this earth after twelve decades have elapsed from the outset of World War I." (John MacArthur, Strange Fire, Pg 128-129.)

Deuteronomy 18:20, despite it's dismissal by many still holds weight today that false prophets are to be rejected should they even have ONE false prophecy.

While under the New Covenant we are not to stone false prophets as found in Deuteronomy 18:20, this doesn't downplay the seriousness of false prophecy and the person who made the prediction should be rebuked, brought to repentance and must cease involvement in prophetic ministry. Contrary to the claims of The KC prophets, JWs and Mormons, One prophecy is enough to disqualify you for being in that office.

Yeshua would condemn these men to hell for what they encourage and he hates man made doctrines, things which would send people to hell if held to, hence why he spoke so vehemently against the Pharisees.

Even if a  prophet comes along proclaiming Gods name, yet he has poisonous error, he is not to be accepted and its a given in the TANAKH that a false prophet is dead, at least until the final resurrection in Daniel 12 where he will be judged.

If Yeshua/Jesus rose from the dead, it is a sign that he has the Father's stamp of approval and thus he would not at all under the condemnation of Deuteronomy 13.

He exhorted many to turn back to the Father before it was two late and of course by faith in Christ we can have salvation.

If Christ hasn't risen, then I am a fool for even writing this article, others and more.

If Jesus Christ were to show he has the Father's approval and came to you and you choose not to believe, then there isn't more I can do except pray for you.

Hope this article has been a blessing.

I also encourage individuals to pick up a copy of John MacArthur's book Strange Fire if you have not done so, It is well worth reading and has certainly been very helpful.

Answering Judaism

Addendum: I am aware of John MacArthur's claim about the Mark of the Beast, that issue will be addressed in a future article if the Lord Wills.


  1. This is Yehuda Yisrael. Let me reiterate this one more time...

    If Jesus claimed to be divine, then I would reject him as a prophet of G-d. Why? Because the Torah tells me to!

    Deuteronomy 13:2. If there will arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of a dream, and he gives you a sign or a wonder,

    (In the case of Jesus, he claimed that the sign or a wonder was that he would be killed and then resurrect himself three days later.)

    Deuteronomy 13:3. and the sign or the wonder of which he spoke to you happens, [and he] says, "Let us go after other gods which you have not known, and let us worship them,"

    (In the case of Jesus, lets say that this sign or a wonder that Jesus prophesied about, hypothetically came true, and Jesus actually did rise from the dead on the third day after he was killed on the cross. Let's also hypothetically assume that Jesus claimed to be "fully divine." If Jesus truly made such a claim, then he is telling the Israelites to "go after another god which you have not known, and to worship him.")

    Deuteronomy 13:4. you shall not heed the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of a dream; for the Lord, your God, is testing you, to know whether you really love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul.

    I do not believe that the resurrection of Jesus actually happened for obvious reasons...But even if it hypothetically did occur, I would still reject Jesus as being a true prophet, especially if he instructed us to acknowledge him as divine. Did Abraham pray to Jesus? Did Moses pray to Jesus? How about King David? Once again, the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that G-d instructed us to acknowledge Jesus as divine in the Tanach. As we both know, G-d never instructed us to do this. Thus, if Jesus indeed saw himself as divine, then he is simply "another god which we have not known." Deuteronomy 13:2-4 makes it abundantly clear that even if the resurrection happened, Jesus cannot be divine...

    Ultimately, the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that if a man resurrects himself, this means that he is synonymous with Hashem. I've searched the Tanach and I cannot find anything that even remotely supports this idea!

    Resurrection or not, jesus cannot be divine...

    1. Hi Yehuda.

      My argument is not the resurrection makes someone synonymous with Ha Shem, My argument is that his resurrection means that he has God's stamp of approval.

      His deity is not contingent on the resurrection.

      Jesus while he claimed to be divine, he ultimately claimed to be your God, but didn't claim to be the Father in heaven.

      While in the TANAKH they didn't pray to Jesus directly, they responded to the Revelations given to them, because of their pointing to him.

      If the resurrection happened, then Jesus' claims about himself are verified to be true. If his claims to deity were false and if the resurrection never happened, you would certainly be correct that he is leading people to gods you have not known.

  2. The burden of proof is on the Christian to demonstrate why we should believe the Mosaic law is no longer applicable (or "fulfilled" as Christian call it.)

    The explicit reminders in the Torah not stray from the path, and the constant references to eternal covenants and commandments, makes the burden even stronger.

    The preemptive disapproval of anyone trying to , in effect, change the law and introduce a new god (which is the bottom line of Christianity from an ancient Jewish perspective) EVEN if he can perform miracles makes the burden of proof impossible to bear.

    Even if your able to make Christian Theology compatible with the OT, even if you have some interesting verses that jive well with this Jesus character, even if you can prove the historicity of the resurrection, objectively speaking, none of this comes even close to the sustaining the burden of proof let alone be considered compelling.

    What the Christian needs to demonstrate is the following: Christ's coming is clearly and unambiguously in the OT, the Trinity is in the OT, and we have very very solid reasoning to think he isn't what deutoronomy 13 was preempting.

    It's not looking good.
